Am 15.03.25 feiern wir 8 Jahre LOCH!

Das Offen:bar August Special. Entspannte DJ-Sets und eisgekühlte Drinks auf dem LOCH-Balkon, der grünen Oase am Kasinokreisel. Jeden Samstag im August 18:00 Uhr.

Skilled and educated by Luc (@parlourgang), Italian born in Wuppertal and raised in Milan, SanLeo returned to his adopted home in 2020. Back in town, he quickly put down roots in the local electro scene and has since been exploring the delights of the electronic realms with records ranging from dub and techno to breaks and drum & bass, securing himself a residency at the local Mauke Club. As newface of raveagainst and at regular appearances in and outside Wuppertal, such as at Gewölbe Cologne, he shows off his skills behind the decks with select sets of lost sounds spanning genres and eras.